Memoriam Eulogies for Bro Jaafah Mah




Bro Jaafar Mah was one of the pioneers of Muslim Converts Association Singapore (MCAS) He served the association as a Council Member from 1991 to 1995, in his capacity as one of the registrars for conversion, coaching converts in Islamic practices.

Bro Jaafar performing his duty as a conversion officer



Bro Jaafar Mah met the President of China Muslim Association in Beijing to organise China Muslim Tours 


More than 30 years ago in the early 1990’s Qurban in China was first initiated by the late BRO JAAFAR MAH.

With the collaboration of Darul Arqam, Qurban in China was promoted to Singapore Muslims. China Qurban Tours were also organised for those who wish to  witness their Qurban personally. This Ibadah Qurban has been continued to present time. Subsequently, Bro Jaafar initiated the China Silaturrahim Muslim Tours and amal projects which are continued to this day by sis Mariah Mah. His contributions to MCAS were significant and could never be measured.


Bro Jaafar established Huihui (Chinese Muslim) Cultural Association before he passed away in May 2021. 


Presently Kartinah Poh has taken over as president of the Association 



Kartinah Poh, a Muslim convert herself, has been teaching Islam at Darul  Arqam in Mandarin for the past 30 years. She was recently honoured  for her dedicated service  to reach out to hundreds of non Muslim Chinese who seek to understand about Islam.



This elderly lady followed her son to Darul Arqam and attended Sis Kartinah’s class. Subsequently her whole family of five members all converted to Islam. ALLAH GIVES HIDAYAH TO THOSE WHO WISH TO BE GUIDED! ALHAMUDULILLAH!!!


Zhang Jiachuan NGO (ZJC NGO) was set up by late Brother Jaafar Mah in 2004 to solve the problem of poverty in this hilly undeveloped farming region where rainfall is scarce (600mm per annum). He successfully managed to build 2 big reservoirs with the collaboration of UAE and the local governments and help solve the problem of drinking water for hundreds of households living on mountain terraces.

About 70% of the ZJC County population of 350,000 are Muslims.

1st Reservoir

2nd Reservoir

Official inauguration of the 2 reservoirs built in collaboration with the Chinese Government and UAE Dubai Government


More than 500 households on mountain terraces have access  to direct water now


When Bro Jaafar Mah passed away on 17 May 2021, Sister Mariah Mah took over the chairmanship to manage its charity service community projects like Distribution of Zakat, Sedaqah, Fidyah, Ramadan Iftar & Qurban/Aqiqah of ZJC NGO.


Eulogies for BRO JAFAAR MAH

Brother Jaafar passed away recently on 17 May 2021. Please do’a for him.

Sharing with you some friend’s thoughts.


It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the sad news that our beloved brother Jaafar Mah has passed away.

Al-Marhum Jaafar Mah was a former IRO Council Member who worked hard and made significant contributions to the work of IRO.

A kind and gentle soul who helped us on many occasions including our visits to China. Al-Marhum Jaafar Mah catered food regularly from his company Spice Village for our IRO meetings and other interfaith events even when alerted at the last minute. Al-Marhum Jaafar Mah was also the lay Imam of Ba’Alwie mosque. May All his good deeds be accepted by Almighty Allah. May Allah forgive him in His infinite mercy and grant him a most favoured place in his heavenly abode. Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen. 


From Bro Mohammad Noor Marican

Salam Dear Brothers and sisters, Inna lilahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.  Brother Haji Jaafar Mah of Singapore returned to Allah S. W. T. @ 6.40 am on. – 17.5.2021.  Brother Jaafar Mah was the Pillar of Strength in Dakwah in Singapore, South East Asia, Taiwan, Japan and mainland China where together with his Sister Hajjah Mariah Mah helped the Poor Chinese Muslims with education, welfare and helped them to escape the poverty trap. 

He served Darul Arqam Singapore and RISEAP.     


Kindly sedekah Doa for  Roh Allahyarham Haji Jaafar Mah.       

Jazakallahu khairan jazeelan and Wassalam! 


From Mustapha Ma. KL 

Son of Late Hj Ibrahim Ma Tien Ying   

This is precious. Bro Jaafar taught me humility and care for others. I made one trip with him back in the eighties with Arwah Ali Ting to Xian and Beijing, and HK which changed me. 

From Bro.Yusof Wahid


I was extremely sad to hear the news that Mr. Jafar Mah passed away a week ago. To me, he is not just Mr. Mah but also a brother. Together with his family, Sister Mariah Mah, he devoted his time to charity work and helping those around him with his kind deeds. His help for the Muslim community in the rural areas of China was inspiring – helping orphans, setting up Muslim nurseries, sponsoring Muslim students and Imams, teachers,  improving Muslim living standards in some poorest  places of Muslim community and the list goes on and on. 

I was just one of the many who received his and his families’ enormous help and thanks to them I was able to pursue my studies in my dream university –  IIUM. During the time I was in Malaysia, they welcomed me in and introduced me to some families who treated me like their own child.  Even though I have left Malaysia for many years, these beautiful memories still impact me and my family. The kindness, the generosity and the Islamic family model  they showed me always reminds me to treat others with  kindness and contribute to our society wherever you go and whatever you do. 

May Allah SWT forgive him and elevate his station among those who are guided and raise him to the highest rank in Jannah.


Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave, and shed light upon him in it. Oh Allah, console his family, grant them strength in this time of great loss. Aameen.  

From Sis Zainab Anhui 

Salam all 

Mr. Mah Jiahui is a philanthropist. When I was still studying Islamic knowledge in Xi’an, China, I was fortunate enough to meet Mr. Mah Jiahui who visited our school as our Muslim school has  the support of Mr. Mah Jiahui countless times. In addition, the kindergarten orphanage in our hometown in Henan have been supported by Mr. Mah Jiahui. Even when Mah Jiahui was ill, he still did not forget to sponsor Chinese students studying in Malaysia, Chinese Muslim brothers who were ill and had surgery, and Muslim children who had to undergo leukaemia. The Muslims in China are very sad to hear that Mr. Mah Jiahui has passed away. They are really very sad. They all pray for Mr. Mah Jiahui, praying to Allah to give him his best reward in heaven, Amin


From Sis Hai Lijun

One of the recipients


Just watched the memorial for Jaafar. So sad, I teared up. Wife and son look distraught but it’s really the kind of eulogy that you would want – how he did so much for the poor people and dedicating his life to helping so many we would never know. Seems like he was helping till the very end. I remember those times when I was involved in papa’s IRO/ AML/ ACLS events and Jaafar would be there. He always had a smile and it was very easy to talk to him or joke with him. He would sometimes appear for a while just to check that his food was properly laid out and it was ok for everyone – he had great pride in his food regardless of who was eating. I’ll be at the side with him and he would tell me “try the samosas, they’re very nice, we keep them under the light so it’s crispy” for the brief exchanges we had I always felt comfortable talking to him. There is that humility, sincerity and love about him that you can feel.


From M. Marican


Assalamu’alaikum Sis Mariah Mah and Sis Kartina Poh, our deepest takziah over br Jaafar Mah’s passing. In sya Allah our do’a is for him. May he be placed amongst the solihin.


Al-Marhum Br Jaafar was amongst my first Vice Presidents when I worked at Darul Arqam. Reporting to him, I learned the meaning of Giving and philanthropy. Br Jaafar was still serving as a Registrar at the Muslim Converts where I would chat with him occasionally until he fell really ill.


From Zarina Begam, Abu Bakar & daughter, Mashitah


At 9 o’clock in the morning on May 17, 2021, we learned the news of the return of Mr. Mah Jiahui, an outstanding friend, a great philanthropist. Three hundred and eighty six volunteers from the Zhangjiachuan Charity Service Center in Zhangjiachuan, Western China, collectively came to pay their last respect.

Mr. Mah Jiahui dedicated his life to fulfilling the duties of Muslims. He respected God and loved his people. He was humble and kind, never hesitated to offer help. Most importantly, he made great contributions to poverty alleviation and prosperity in western China. May Allah forgive all his sins and grant him a wonderful paradise and grace! Ammen!

Letter from Zhang Jia Chuan NGO

He made a huge impact in my life. Conversations we had, wisdom he shared.. I loved him and Kartinah. He had a special light and a gentle soul… a blessing to everyone around him 🙏🏻

A kind soul who inspired kindness and compassion!! 

From Christine Chan

CNA presenter


Jaafar was a good man. May Allah bless his soul, forgive his sins, protect him free from azab kubur, protect him from fitnah of dajjal and from the fires of hell. May Allah grant him the highest levels of paradise! Jaffar is successful. I saw the video for his memorial. He has an excellent son who will make constant do’a for him. What greater blessing can man get in this life than a child who will make do’a for him after he has passed. May Allah grant all of us a similar blessing


From Brother Ghous


Bro Jafaar Mah’s Contribution


Bro Jaafar started building the first Muslim. preschool in.Xian. Muslims need their own preschool, because of dietary concerns as we only take Halal food which other preschools don’t provide. Kids also learn to be grateful to the Creator and only worship and THANK Him for all the provisions He has given us in life! At a young age kids learn to be grateful to the Creator, to their parents and to their teachers! We impart strong values to them at a young age so that they will grow up to be abiding citizens and love their country too! 爱主 爱国!


Sis Mah continued to establish preschools in Shangri La, a Tibetanised Muslim village.


Sis Mariah continued to build preschools in poor villages to provide kids with basic literacy before they enter  primary school and not be disadvantaged from the start compared to other kids who could afford a preschool education!

Also helped to rebuild masjids and continue to sponsor orphanages, poor students for their education..carry out amal projects, all with Allah’s help and sincere donors!


Then in Guizhou we helped to build 2 preschools for the poor Muslim kids. Please see website for details


Thank you for your continued support. As we are Chinese muslims we read, write and speak Chinese. That’s why we only carry out our amal projects in China to help the underprivileged and disadvantaged needy Muslims there.


Mémorial for Jaafar 25 June 2021

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